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2 corinthians是什么意思

2 corinthians


corinthian: adj. 1.科林斯(人)的;建筑(古希腊)科林斯( ...


1. So now we return with these thoughts to paul ' s teaching in 2 corinthians


2. They also " must appear before the judgement seat of christ " ( 2 corinthians 5 : 10 )

他们还“必要在基督台前显露出来” (哥林多前书5 : 10 ) 。

3. Paul in his writings refers to this incident on two occasions ( 2 corinthians 11 : 2 - 3 ; 1 timothy 2 : 14 )

保罗在他的书信中两次提到此事(哥林多后书11 : 2 - 3 ,提摩太前书2 : 14 ) 。

4. 2 corinthians 5 : 17 - therefore , if anyone is in christ , he is a new creation ; the old has gone , the new has come

哥林多后书5 : 17 -若有人在基督里,他就是新造的人,旧事已过都变成新的了。

5. 2 corinthians 5 : 17 “ therefore , if anyone is in christ , he is a new creation ; the old has gone , the new has come

格林多后书5 : 17 “若有人在基督里,他就是新造的人,旧事已过,都变成新的了。 ”

6. 2 corinthians 5 : 17 : therefore , if anyone is in christ , he is a new creation ; old thingshave passed away ; behold , all things have become new

歌林多后书5 : 17 :若有人在基督里,他就是新造的人,旧事已过,都变成新的了。

7. 2 corinthians 4 : 5 “ for we do not preach ourselves , but jesus christ as lord , and ourselves as your servants for jesus ' sake

哥林多后书4 : 5 “我们原不是传自己,乃是传基督耶稣为主,并且自己因耶稣作你们的仆人。 ”

8. People who know about god , and are therefore answerable to him , " must all appear before the judgement seat of christ " ( 2 corinthians 5 : 10 )

知道神的人就要对他尽责, “众人必要在基督台前显露出来” (哥林多前书5 : 10 ) 。