成语大全网 - 汉语词典 - ill在被翻译为“坏的,恶意的”的时候能不能作定语? 例如:He is an ill man. 可以吗?

ill在被翻译为“坏的,恶意的”的时候能不能作定语? 例如:He is an ill man. 可以吗?



/ ?l; ?l/ adj

(US usu 美式英语通常作 sick) [usu pred 通常作表语] physically or mentally unwell; sick (身体上或精神上)不适, 不健康, 有病: He's been ill for two weeks. 他病了两个星期了. * She fell ill/was taken ill suddenly. 她突然病了. =>Usage at sick 用法见sick.

[attrib 作定语] (a) not good; bad 不好的; 不良的; 坏的; 糟糕的: ill health 不健康 * people of ill repute, ie with a bad reputation 名声不好的人. (b) harmful; intending harm 有害的; 邪恶的: suffer no ill effects 未受坏影响. (c) unkind; resentful 不友好的; 敌意的; 怨恨的: bear sb no ill will 对某人不存恶意 * You ought to apologize and show there is no ill feeling between you. 你应当道歉, 表明你们之间并无恶感.

[attrib 作定语] not favourable 不利的; 不吉的: ill luck 恶运 * a bird of ill omen, ie one thought to bring bad luck 不祥之鸟.

(idm 习语) it's an ,ill `wind (that blows nobody any good) (saying 谚) few things are so bad that they don't offer some good to sb 世上鲜有绝对的坏事; 害於此者利於彼.

> ill n (fml 文)

1 [U] harm; evil 伤害; 恶行; 邪恶: I wish him no ill. 我对他并无恶感.

2 [C usu pl 通常作复数] problem; misfortune 困难; 不幸; 苦恼: the various ills of life 人生种种苦难.