这个词组with
me没啥好说的,关键就是suffer的理解。
这儿,suffer作为不及物动词,其意义为:(柯林斯词典)
2.V-I
If
you
suffer
from
an
illness
or
from
some
other
bad
condition,
you
are
badly
affected
by
it.
(因疾病等糟糕的处境而)
受苦
例:
He
was
eventually
diagnosed
as
suffering
from
terminal
cancer.
他最后被诊断为癌症晚期。
4.V-I
If
you
suffer,
you
are
badly
affected
by
an
event
or
situation.
受难
例:
There
are
few
who
have
not
suffered.
几乎无人免于受难。
这两个意义是相近的,都是受苦,遭罪的意思。
所以,suffer
with
me的意思就是“与我一起经历苦难”。
在结婚时牧师的那段台词里,这个词时有出现
夫妻应该同甘苦,***患难。
不过貌似现在中国的夫妻里,***患难还是不要谈为好。