成语大全网 - 汉语词典 - SL是什么意思


SL ?

abbr. 海平面(sea level);南纬度(south latitude);透镜分光计(Lens Spectrometer)


1.SL SLICE ? 剖切;用平面剖切实体;

2.MT SL ? 致真版;爱唯欧;

3.SL SimulationLanguage ? 仿真语言;

4.SL SystemLanguage ? 系统语言;

5.SL SuperLuminance ? 超亮度。


1.Although harassment (called griefing) of a SL resident is not commonplace, it is nonetheless a reality of the nature of the environment.

尽管来自 SL 居民的骚扰(称为恶意破坏)并不普遍,但这的确是该环境的一个特点。 ?

2.As the desire to utilize the medium of virtual worlds to experiment with immersive virtual events grew, the limitations of the public SL grid as a business environment became serious obstacles.

随着利用虚拟世界媒介试验浸入式虚拟活动的愿望越来越强烈,公*** SL 网格作为业务环境的限制成为严重的障碍。

3.This "mixed-reality" event integrated SL and real-life meetings and was held in two sessions to accommodate the world-wide audience.

这次 “混合真实感” 活动集成了 SL 和真实会议方式,为世界范围内的观众举办了两次会议。

