成语大全网 - 汉语词典 - means和resort 大家好,请问谁知道上面两个单词都做“手段”讲时的区别吗?非常感谢!

means和resort 大家好,请问谁知道上面两个单词都做“手段”讲时的区别吗?非常感谢!

mean /min/ noun [ S ] METHOD

2. formal a quality or way of doing something which is in the middle of two completely different qualities or ways of doing something

We need to find a mean between exam questions which are too difficult and those which are too easy.

resort /r?z?t/ /-z?rt/ noun ACTION

2. [ U ] when you have to do something because there is no other way of achieving something

He got hold of the money legally, without resort to violence.


