成语大全网 - 汉语词典 - run全部意思





(ran[rAn], run; running)

跑, 奔

逃跑; 跑步; (参加)赛跑

竞赛; [美]参加竞选

赶紧, 赶去

(车, 船)行驶; (飞机)滑行


(机器等)运转; (工作等)进行

流, 淌; 滴, (墨水等)渗开; (固体)溶化

变(成), 变得

蔓生; 蔓延; 传播

(路等)伸展; (演出等)连续; (合同等)继续有效; (旅馆)营业

(思想, 曲调等)在头脑中萦绕

(念头等)闪过; (感觉等)通过, (光阴)流逝

写着, 说着

谈到, 涉及; 浏览

倾向, 偏向(to); (特征等)贯穿


(诗句、口才等)流畅, 流利

平均(是), 大体(是) ⑵⑽(针织品)脱针, 抽丝

run upstairs


run for president


run before the wind


run full


run idle


run wide


run dry


run wild

蔓延; 狂暴起来; 放肆起来

run to extremes


Are you running in the 100 metres?





vi., vt.

ran, run, running


He ran across the road.




I'll run the car into town.


He ran his eyes down the list.


The car ran down the hill.



The engine runs well.


This machine is not running correctly.


Most of motor vehicles run on petrol.



The buses run every ten minutes.



The river has run dry.



Your nose is running.


The well has run dry.




The butter will run if you put it near the fire.



The road runs beside the river.





to run drugs



run a school



The insurance runs for another month.




The story runs like this...





to go for a run



There are no stops on the run to the coast.



a rabbit run



a run on beer in hot weather




a run of bad luck



a ski-run


(pl) 痢疾

to have the runs



run about



run across


run after



run along


run around



run away



run away with






run down



to run down a criminal





The coal industry is being run down.


run in



run into




run off


run off water from the barrel




run on


run out


"Though they are running out of food and drink, the men are cheerful and confident that they will get out soon."


run out on

遗弃;背弃 (= walk out on)

run over




run through







run to



running to fat



run up




run up against



be run off one's feet 非常忙碌

run (a competitor) close 紧逼;紧追

run for 逃跑

run foul of 与…撞在一起

run (sb.) off (sb.'s) feet 使疲于奔命

run into the ground 使精疲力尽

run the danger of 冒…风险


a good run for one's money 不白费力;不白花钱

a run on the bank 纷纷向银行提款

in the long run 最后

It'll be cheaper in the long run to use real leather.


in the short run 近期内;不久

on the run 逃走;躲藏;匆匆忙忙

the common run of 普通类型的

the run of 自由参观或使用

He gave them the run of his garden.





跑, 赛跑, 奔跑, 运转, 趋向


跑, 奔, 逃跑, 竞选, 跑步, 蔓延, 进行, 行驶


使跑, 参赛, 追究, 使流, 管理, 运行, 开动


熔化的, 融化的, 浇铸的






(of a two-legged creature) to move on foot at a rapid pace so that both feet are off the ground together for part of each stride.(of a four-legged creature) to move at a rapid gait; gallop or canter

to pass over (a distance, route, etc) in running

run a race

to run in or finish a race as specified, esp in a particular position

John is running third

to perform or accomplish by or as if by running

to run an errand

to flee; run away

they took to their heels and ran

to bring into a specified state or condition by running

to run oneself to a standstill

to track down or hunt (an animal)

to run a fox to earth

to move about freely and without restraint

the children are running in the garden

to go or have recourse, as for aid, assistance, etc

he's always running to his mother when he's in trouble

to set (animals) loose on (a field or tract of land) so as to graze freely

to make a short trip or brief informal visit

I'll run over to your house this afternoon

to move quickly and easily on wheels by rolling, or in any of certain other ways

a sledge running over snow

to move or cause to move with a specified result or in a specified manner

to run into a tree

to move or pass or cause to move or pass quickly

to run one's eyes over a page

to force, thrust, or drive

she ran a needle into her finger

to drive or maintain and operate (a vehicle)

to give a lift to (someone) in a vehicle; transport

he ran her to the railway station

to ply or cause to ply between places on a route

the bus runs from Piccadilly to Golders Green

to operate or be operated; function or cause to function

the engine is running smoothly

to perform or carry out

to run tests

to be in charge of; manage

to run a company

to extend or continue or cause to extend or continue in a particular direction, for a particular duration or distance, etc

the months ran into years

to have legal force or effect.to accompany; be an integral part of or adjunct to

to be subjected to, be affected by, or incur

run a temperature

to be characterized (by); tend or incline

to run to fat

to recur persistently or be inherent

red hair runs in my family

to cause or allow (liquids) to flow or (of liquids) to flow, esp in a manner specified

the well has run dry

to melt and flow

the wax grew hot and began to run

to melt or fuse.to mould or cast (molten metal)

(of waves, tides, rivers, etc) to rise high, surge, or be at a specified height

a high sea was running that night

to be diffused

the colours in my dress ran when I washed it

(of stitches) to unravel or come undone or (of a garment) to have stitches unravel or come undone

if you pull that thread the whole seam will run

to sew (an article) with continuous stitches

(of growing vines, creepers, etc) to trail, spread, or climb

ivy running over a cottage wall

to spread or circulate quickly

a rumour ran through the town

to be stated or reported

his story runs as follows

to publish or print or be published or printed in a newspaper, magazine, etc

they ran his story in the next issue

to be a candidate or present as a candidate for political or other office

Anderson is running for president

to get past or through; evade

to run a blockade

to deal in (arms, etc), esp by importing illegally

he runs guns for the rebels

to sail (a vessel, esp a sailing vessel) or (of such a vessel) to be sailed with the wind coming from astern

to migrate upstream from the sea, esp in order to spawn.to swim rapidly in any area of water, esp during migration

to score (a run or number of runs) by hitting the ball and running between the wickets

to make (a number of successful shots) in sequence

to hit (the ball) so that it rolls along the ground

to cash (all one's winning cards in a long suit) successively


an act, instance, or period of running

a gait, pace, or motion faster than a walk

she went off at a run

a distance covered by running or a period of running

a run of ten miles

an act, instance, or period of travelling in a vehicle, esp for pleasure

to go for a run in the car

free and unrestricted access

we had the run of the house and garden for the whole summer

a period of time during which a machine, computer, etc, operates.the amount of work performed in such a period

a continuous or sustained period

a run of good luck

a continuous sequence of performances

the play had a good run

a sequence of winning cards in one suit, usually more than five

a run of spades

tendency or trend

the run of the market

type, class, or category

the usual run of graduates

a continuous and urgent demand

a run on the dollar

a series of unravelled stitches, esp in stockings or tights; ladder

the characteristic pattern or direction of something

the run of the grain on a piece of wood

a continuous vein or seam of ore, coal, etc.the direction in which it lies

a period during which water or other liquid flows.the amount of such a flow

a pipe, channel, etc, through which water or other liquid flows

a small stream

a steeply inclined pathway or course, esp a snow-covered one used for skiing and bobsleigh racingSee green run See blue run See red run See black run

an enclosure for domestic fowls or other animals, in which they have free movement

a chicken run

(esp in Australia and New Zealand) a tract of land for grazing livestock

a track or area frequented by animals

a rabbit run

a group of animals of the same species moving together

the migration of fish upstream in order to spawn

the tack of a sailing vessel in which the wind comes from astern.part of the hull of a vessel near the stern where it curves upwards and inwards

a mission in a warplane.short for bombing run

the movement of an aircraft along the ground during takeoff or landing

a rapid scalelike passage of notes

a score of one, normally achieved by both batsmen running from one end of the wicket to the other after one of them has hit the ballSee extra See boundary

an instance of a batter touching all four bases safely, thereby scoring

the distance that a ball rolls after hitting the ground

See runabout See run across See run after See run along See run around See run away See run down See run in See run into See run off See run on See run out See run over See run through See run to See run up See run with


run a bath to turn on the taps to fill a bath with water for bathing oneself

run close to compete closely with; present a serious challenge to

run for it to attempt to escape from arrest, etc, by running

be run off one's feet to be extremely busy

a run for one's money a strong challenge or close competition.pleasure derived from an activity

in the long run as the eventual outcome of a sequence of events, actions, etc; ultimately

in the short run as the immediate outcome of a series of events, etc

on the run escaping from arrest; fugitive.in rapid flight; retreating.hurrying from place to place

the runs diarrhoea




runs ran running


1. a score in baseball made by a runner touching all four bases safely; "the Yankees scored 3 runs in the bottom of the 9th"; "their first tally came in the 3rd inning"

(synonym) tally

(hypernym) score

(hyponym) earned run

2. the act of testing something; "in the experimental trials the amount of carbon was measured separately"; "he called each flip of the coin a new trial"

(synonym) test, trial

(hypernym) attempt, effort, endeavor, endeavour, try

(hyponym) assay

(derivation) move, go

3. a race run on foot; "she broke the record for the half-mile run"

(synonym) footrace, foot race

(hypernym) race

(hyponym) funrun, fun run

(derivation) race

4. an unbroken series of events; "had a streak of bad luck"; "Nicklaus had a run of birdies"

(synonym) streak

(hypernym) succession

(hyponym) losing streak

5. (American football) a play in which a player runs with the ball; "the defensive line braced to stop the run"; "the coach put great emphasis on running"

(synonym) running, running play, running game

(hypernym) football play

(hyponym) draw, draw play

(classification) American football, American football game

6. a regular trip; "the ship made its run in record time"

(hypernym) trip

(derivation) ply

7. the act of running; traveling on foot at a fast pace; "he broke into a run"; "his daily run keeps him fit"

(synonym) running

(hypernym) locomotion, travel

(hyponym) dash, sprint

8. the continuous period of time during which something (a machine or a factory) operates or continues in operation; "the assembly line was on a 12-hour run"

(hypernym) time period, period of time, period

(hyponym) print run, press run

9. unrestricted freedom to use; "he has the run of the house"

(hypernym) liberty

10. the production achieved during a continuous period of operation (of a machine or factory etc.); "a daily run of 100,000 gallons of paint"

(hypernym) indefinite quantity

11. a small stream

(synonym) rivulet, rill, runnel, streamlet

(hypernym) stream, watercourse

(derivation) flow, feed, course

12. a race between candidates for elective office; "I managed his campaign for governor"; "he is raising money for a Senate run"

(synonym) political campaign, campaign

(hypernym) race

(hyponym) governor's race, campaign for governor

(derivation) campaign

13. a row of unravelled stitches; "she got a run in her stocking"

(synonym) ladder, ravel

(hypernym) damage, harm, impairment

(derivation) ladder

14. the pouring forth of a fluid

(synonym) discharge, outpouring

(hypernym) flow, flowing

(hyponym) jet, squirt, spurt, spirt

(derivation) flow, feed, course

15. an unbroken chronological sequence; "the play had a long run on Broadway"; "the team enjoyed a brief run of victories"

(hypernym) sequence, chronological sequence, succession, successiveness, chronological succession

16. a short trip; "take a run into town"

(hypernym) trip

(derivation) unravel


1. move fast by using one's feet, with one foot off the ground at any given time; "Don't run--you'll be out of breath"; "The children ran to the store"

(hypernym) travel rapidly, speed, hurry, zip

(hyponym) trot, jog, clip

(see-also) frolic, lark, rollick, skylark, disport, sport, cavort, gambol, frisk, romp, run around, lark about

(derivation) running

2. flee; take to one's heels; cut and run; "If you see this man, run!"; "The burglars escaped before the police showed up"

(synonym) scarper, turn tail, lam, run away, hightail it, bunk, head for the hills, take to the woods, escape, fly the coop, break away

(hypernym) leave, go forth, go away

(hyponym) flee, fly, take flight

3. stretch out over a distance, space, time, or scope; run or extend between two points or beyond a certain point; "Service runs all the way to Cranbury"; "His knowledge doesn't go very far"; "My memory extends back to my fourth year of life"; "The facts extend beyond a consideration of her personal assets"

(synonym) go, pass, lead, extend

(hypernym) be

(hyponym) come

(see-also) line, run along

(verb-group) range

4. direct or control; projects, businesses, etc.; "She is running a relief operation in the Sudan"

(synonym) operate

(hypernym) direct

(hyponym) financier

(derivation) running

5. have a particular form; "the story or argument runs as follows"; "as the saying goes..."

(synonym) go

(hypernym) be

6. move along, of liquids; "Water flowed into the cave"; "the Missouri feeds into the Mississippi"

(synonym) flow, feed, course

(hypernym) move

(hyponym) flush

(see-also) overflow, overrun, well over, run over, brim over

(derivation) rivulet, rill, runnel, streamlet

7. perform as expected when applied; "The washing machine won't go unless it's plugged in"; "Does this old car still run well?"; "This old radio doesn't work anymore"

(synonym) function, work, operate, go

(hyponym) double

8. change or be different within limits; "Estimates for the losses in the earthquake range as high as $2 billion"; "Interest rates run from 5 to 10 percent"; "The instruments ranged from tuba to cymbals"; "My students range from very bright to dull"

(synonym) range

(hypernym) be

(verb-group) lead

9. run, stand, or compete for an office or a position; "Who's running for treasurer this year?"

(synonym) campaign

(hypernym) race

(hyponym) stump

(derivation) political campaign, campaign