成语大全网 - 汉语词典 - furture是什么意思


future /?fju?t(r)/ DJ /'fjut/ KK


1.the time that will come after the present or the events that will happen then 将来;未来 singular

We need to plan for the future. 我们需要为将来作好打算。

2.What will the cities of the future look like? 未来的城市会是什么样子呢?

The movie is set in the future. 这部电影以未来为背景。

The exchange rate is likely to fall in the near future(= soon). 汇率可能不久就要下跌。

She will not be well enough to work in the foreseeable future(= during the period of time when you know what is going to happen). 在可预见的将来,她的身体不会恢复到能工作的程度。

What does the future hold? 未来将会如何?

Alternate: the future

what will happen to somebody/something at a later time 未来的事;将来发生的事;前景 countable

Her future is uncertain. 她前途未卜。

This deal could safeguard the futures of the 2?000 employees. 这个协议可以保障 2/f000 名雇员今后的生活。

3.the possibility of being successful or surviving at a later time 前途;前程 singular uncountable

She has a great future ahead of her. 她前程远大。

I can't see any future in this relationship. 我看不出这个关系会有什么前途。

4.goods or shares that are bought at agreed prices but that will be delivered and paid for at a later time 期货 plural finance

oil futures 石油期货

the futures market 期货市场

Alternate: futures

5.the form of a verb that expresses what will happen after the present (动词的)将来时,将来式, 未来式 singular grammar

Alternate: the future

Variant: the future tense

Idiom: in future British English

1.from now on 今后;从今以后

Please be more careful in future. 今后请多加小心。

In future, make sure the door is never left unlocked. 从今以后,千万别忘记锁好门户。

Variant: in the future American English


1.taking place or existing at a time after the present 将来的;未来的;将来发生的 only before noun----------------------------------------------------------------------


Pronunciation: \?fyü-ch?r\

Function: noun

Date: 15th century

1 a : time that is to come b : what is going to happen

2 : an expectation of advancement or progressive development

3 : something (as a bulk commodity) bought for future acceptance or sold for future delivery —usually used in plural <grain futures>

4 a : the future tense of a language b : a verb form in the future tense