The Vendor guarantees that the Goods supplied by the Vendor conform to the Requisition, are to be brand-new and of the most suitable grade of its respective kind for the purpose, are first class in workmanship, are free from faulty design, workmanship and materials and are of sufficient size and capacity and/or proper materials so as to fulfill all aspects of operating conditions specified by the Purchaser and/or meet all requirements of the applicable codes and standards.
The Vendor guarantees that the Goods supplied by the Vendor are adequate to fulfill all aspects of performance guarantee specified in the Contract.
If any defect originating with the design, materials, workmanship, operating characteristics, performance or any breach of the above guarantee arises at any time within twelve (12) months after the date of the “Mechanical Completion Acceptance Notice” from the Owner but not later than thirty-six (36) months from the date when the Goods are delivered to the delivery place set out in the Purchase Order and the Vendor is notified thereof, the Vendor shall, at its own expense including export packing and transportation costs to the Work Site and import customs duties and as promptly as possible, make adjustments, repairs, replacements or alternations as may be necessary to permit the Goods to function in accordance with the Requisition and to fulfill all aspects of performance guarantee.