成语大全网 - 汉语词典 - 兴义师专用英语怎么说 兴义师专英语翻译?

兴义师专用英语怎么说 兴义师专英语翻译?

兴义师专的英语是”Lysimachia millietii”,其次还可以说成”xingyi”,在《瓦里希英汉词典》中,***找到52个与兴义师专相关的译文和例句。

1. Therefore, we can manage to enlarge our pedagogic content Knowledge(PCK), effectively promoting the development of a teacher in specialty.


2. Organize truck renting for transporting goods from Xingyi to Site .

译文:此外,还分别有一名裁缝、制帽师和理发师专门负责他的外表仪容。 另有一名扫烟囱工人和送煤工人负责为他照看炉火。

3. Under commands prescribed by State Students Health Standards, 4278 students of Liupanshui Teachers College were tested health conditions in the later half of 2007.

