摘要 Abstract
As an integral part of road and bridge projects, road construction materials bear a very important significance. Based on the analyses of road pavement’s primary cementing materials, major engineering properties and testing methods, this article concludes that the field laboratory should attach great emphasis on the impact of its monitoring of the property indexes and raw material technical indexes on the construction of the project. This article expounds in relative details on cement, which is selected as the major research subject, it also describes several important technical indexes of asphalt, and including almost all the main adhesive materials used by China’s high grade road pavements which are of considerable representations.
In its modern sense, cement has been around for nearly 200 years; its detecting method was gradually modified and improved with the course of social advancement, and it finally becomes the detection system of today. This article expounds in details, basically all the detection aspects of cement technical indexes conducted by the road construction field laboratory, such as cement fineness, water requirement for standard consistency, setting time, volume stability, strength etc., it also gives a summation on the impact and importance of each technical index to the construction work, so as to facilitate the strict control of raw materials during construction.
In order to extend the scope of this article, a few technical indexes of asphalt which have important impacts on road pavement are described in relative details, particularly the “three main indexes” of asphalt namely, the penetration degree, ductility and softening point. As the “three main indexes” can be the decisive factors for the usability of the asphalt pavement, it is imperative to have an in-depth understanding of these indexes.