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百试百中 The patient responds to the medicine.

The medicine works.

The medicine is effective.

屡试不爽 time-tested

未及旋踵,病已霍然 The illness turns severe quite soon.

妙手回春 effect a miraculous cure and bring the dying back to life

未雨绸缪 / 防患于未然 prevention first

肝者,将军之官 the liver is a controlling organ

脾胃者,仓廪之官 the spleen and stomach are food-digesting organs

肾者,作强之官 the kidney is an organ of energy

肝为风木之脏 the liver is an organ activating blood and Qi

脑为齐桓之府 The brain is an extraordinary organ.

土喜温燥 spleenthermoxerophil

金寒水冷 pulmonocryosis and nephrocryosis

紧脉硬实如索 tense pulse

脉如断锁 pulse stoppage

痛势绵绵 mild but persistent pain

食而不化 indigestion

恬澹虚无 to live a quiet life with few desires

微恶风寒 slight aversion to chilliness

毒热雍滞 toxic-heat stagnation

利湿消滞 to eliminate excessive humidity and stasis

壮热烦渴 sthenic fever end extreme thirst

高粱厚味 rich and greasy food

外邪客于肌表 exogenous virus’ invasion of body-surface

起居不节 irregular life

饮食不节 irregular diet / improper diet

正气不足 insufficient anti-pathogenic energy

肾阴不足 kidney-Yin insufficiency

水土不服 environmental inadaptability

筋脉失养 tendon and vessel malnutrition

冷暖失调 body-temperature maladjustment

渴不欲饮 non-drinking desire in spite of thirst / no appetite in spite of hunger

气血不和 derangement of Qi and blood

能治百病 disease-proof

安神定心 anxiety-proof

气虚血少 energy and blood deficiency

脾肾阳虚 spleen-kidney-yang deficiency

经气阻滞 qi-circulation difficulty

卫气不固 weak protection

邪之所凑 accumulation of virus

驱除病邪 expel virus

热邪炕胜 excessive heat

阴盛阳衰 yin overabundance and yang deficiency

滋阴清热 nourish Yin and clear away heat

平肝清热 to calm the liver and dominate heat

增水行舟 to increase fluid

清肺泻热 clear away heat from lung

祛邪扶正 to expel pathogen (pathogen-expelling)

祛病延年 to cure disease and prolong one’s life

柔肝泄热 to soften liver and dissipate heat

舒肝通脉 to ease the liver and activate collaterals

生津止渴 to invite body fluid and pacify thirst

健脾温中 invigorate spleen and strengthen mid-energy

将逆下气 lower adverse energy

解郁熄风 relieve depression and spasm

明智延寿 brighten mind and prolong life

和血止痛 regulate blood and alleviate pain

腹痛拒按 tender abdominal pain

肾精内干 kidney-essence exhaustion

九窍不通 nine-opening blockage

口淡无味 tastelessness

腹痛喜按 pressure-relieved abdominal pain

畏寒肢冷 extreme chilliness

口苦咽干 bitter mouth and dry throat

面色不华 lusterless complexion

憔悴无华 weary and lusterless looking

眩晕失眠 dizziness and insomnia

内蕴湿热 interior harmful retention of wetness and heat

往来寒热 chill and fever alternation

滋阴壮阳 nourish the Yin and strengthen the Yang

外感寒邪 exposure to exogenous cold

热淫于内 excessive internal heat

留滞客邪 exogenous virus’ invasion of body-surface

表寒里热 ectocryosis and endothermosis

七情不节 emotional and maladjustment

筋失濡养 mascular malnutritio