push [pu?]
1. (用力)推;(尤指)用力推进;推动:
He pushed me,and I fell into the water.他推了我一下,我便掉到水里去了。
2. 挤,驱;推行;驱使:
Mother tried to push her daughter's worries from her mind.妈妈力图排遣她女儿心头的烦恼。
3. 促进;促成;催促:
He pushed her into making a decision.他催促她做出决定。
4. 逼迫,催逼:
be pushed for time感到时间紧迫
5. 扩展;扩大;增加:
The frontier was pushed westward.边疆向西扩展。
6. 提携;推销:
The company are pushing their new product.这家公司正在推销他们的新产品。
7. 突出,伸出:
He pushed out his lower lip.他努出他的下嘴唇。
8. 生根;发芽:
The plants push their roots deep into the soil.植物深深地扎根于土中。
9. 在年龄或数目上接近于:
The old man was pushing eighty-five.老人快85岁了。
10. [美国英语]棒球、高尔夫球推棒触击;轻推球;从右手把(球)向右侧击去;从左手把(球)向左侧击去
11. 挤出路前进:
The policeman pushed his way through the crowd.警察从人群中挤了过去。
12. [俚语]非法销售:
be jailed for pushing heroin因私售海洛因而坐牢
13. [美国俚语]把(新的东西)插入(预定的项目之中)
1. 推;按:
Don't push against me! 别推我!
2. 推进;努力前进:
She pushed past me.她从我身边挤了过去。
3. 推行运动;极力活动:
Unions pushed for higher wages.工会极力争取提高工资。
4. 突出,伸出:
to push up through the mulch从覆盖层里破土而出
5. 被推:
The door pushed open.门被推开了。
6. 延伸:
A road pushes toward the mountains.一条路延伸到群山之中。
7. 扩展;增加:
Corn acreage pushed into first place.玉米的种植面积居于首位。
8. 向前划桨:
to push down a stream划桨顺流而下
9. (尤指为超过别人或为成功而)奋力,尽力:
They are pushing hard to improve their strategic nuclear capabilities.他们正全力以赴增强他们的战略核力量。
10. (产妇)屏息收肌以助婴儿产出
11. 牌戏故意叫高牌使对方不得不叫更高的牌
12. [俚语]贩毒