成语大全网 - 汉语词典 - GAY是什么意思?




/ ge; ge/ adj

homosexual 同性恋的:

a gay person, club, bar 搞同性恋爱的人﹑ 俱乐部﹑ 酒吧

I didn't know he/she was gay. 我不知道他[她]是同性恋者.

happy and full of fun; light-hearted; cheerful 快乐的; 欢快的; 轻松的; 愉快的:

gay laughter, music 欢快的笑声﹑ 音乐

The streets look gay with bright flags and coloured lights. 街上旗帜鲜艳﹑ 彩灯缤纷, 显出一派欢乐景象.

[attrib 作定语] careless; thoughtless 轻率的; 不加思索的:

spending money with gay abandon 挥霍钱财.