成语大全网 - 经典成语 - 谁能帮我翻译下面的句子


1 在英语学习中我喜欢用英汉词典(like using,dictionary)

In learning English, I like using a English-Chinese dictionary

2 欧洲人和美国人之间在社会习俗上有很大的不同(have difference in)

Europeans and Americans have a lot of differences in social cultures.

3 这并不意味着你真的懂了这首诗(mean, poem)

This does not mean that you truly understand the poem.

4 我认为你首先要了解的是她的家庭(believe,need to know about)

I believe you need you know about her family first.

5 见到你很高兴。我姓格林,但是请叫我比尔吧(call)

Nice to meet you. My family name is Green, yet, just call me Bill.