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II. The Qualitative Classification of Criminal Law



1. Authority Criminal Law and Liberal Criminal Law

The priority of authority criminal law is to protect the national authority; based on the universalism perspective, it focuses on protection of the country and the overall legal interests, but it is too restrictive on the freedom of its citizens. The priority of liberal criminal law is to safeguard civil liberty; with liberalism as its backbone, it focuses on restricting the initiation of state penalty rights, so that

Individual freedom is ensured.



2. Criminal Law of Infringement and Criminal Law of Will

The priority of criminal law of infringement is to consider the consequences resulted from the objective conduct of the punitive object and his trespass of legal rights. The priority of criminal law of will is to focus on the danger of the malicious intent of the offender



Domestic Criminal Law and International Criminal Law

Domestic criminal law is applicable only within the country; while international criminal law is to stipulate the crimes and the relevant sanctions on the infringement of its principles. In this respect, our criminal law theory generally applies the concept of international criminal law.
