成语大全网 - 经典成语 - 词典中单词解释


Subject 在大项下有1、2、3标出的三种解释条目,你可以按标号的类别划分层次。(以第一条为例)

第 1 条:总体解释是? one that is placed under authority or control: 以下用as(作为…讲)列出a、b 列出具体说明:

a:? 含有 VASSAL(屈从,隶属、附属)之意?

b?: 含有 (1) 和 (2) 两种意思:

(1) : one subject to a monarch and governed by the monarch's law

(2) : one who lives in the territory of, enjoys the protection of, and owes allegiance to a sovereign power or state


第 2 条:含有a、b、c三种意思

a : that of which a quality, attribute, or relation may be affirmed or in which it may inhere?

b : SUBSTRATUM;? especially : material or essential substance?

c : the mind, ego, or agent of whatever sort that sustains or assumes the form of thought or consciousness

第 3 条:含有 a、b、c、d、e、f 六种意思,每种意思中又有(1)和(2)或更多的含义,其中两个*号之间的内容相当于引号的作用

a : a department of knowledge or learning?


c :?

(1) : one that is acted on *the helpless subject of their cruelty*

(2) : an individual whose reactions or responses are studied

(3) : a dead body for anatomical study and dissection?

d :

(1) : something concerning which something is said or done *the subject of the essay*

(2) : something represented or indicated in a work of art?

e :

(1) : the term of a logical proposition that denotes the entity of which something is affirmed or denied;? also : the entity denoted

(2) : a word or word group denoting that of which something is predicated?

f : the principal melodic phrase on which a musical composition or movement is based
