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我非常喜欢设计,喜欢不同的颜色,长大后想成为一名设计师。学校要举行时装表演来为希望工程募集一些资金。我打算要设计一套衣服,黑色的皮质的短茄克;蓝色的牛仔裤,是棉制的,穿以来很舒服;最后我还要设计一双长筒靴,它们很流行,很配衣服。相信你见到了也会喜欢的,它们能够使你看起来很精神、很帅的翻译:I very like the design, like different color, after grow up to become a designer. The school will have a fashion show to raise some money for project hope. I'm going to want to design a set of clothes, black leather short jacket; Blue jeans, is made of cotton, since wear comfortable; Finally I will design a pair of boots, and they're very popular, it is with clothes. Believe that you see it, they will like, they can make you look very spirit, very handsome.