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lie about 分散各处,四处乱丢

lie against靠在

lie along躺成大字形,尽量伸直手脚

lie at one's door 成为某人责任

lie at one's heart ......挂在心上,老是思慕着

lie at the mercy of 处在......操纵之下,被......支配着

lie by 躺在......边上,近在手边,放在一边

lie close躲着,挤在一起

lie down on the job偷懒,不干活,磨洋工

lie heavy on压迫,使痛苦

lie in在于

lie in sb. 集中在,全在,依......而定

lie in the way妨碍,阻碍

lie low 伏卧,隐藏,不露声色,受屈辱

lie off(船)微微离开,暂停工作,歇一歇

lie on(upon)落在......肩上依赖,成为......负担

lie open开着,暴露着

lie over事情暂时搁置,缓办,(支票)过期未付

lie to(船)顶风停住,集中全力在......

lie under蒙受,遭到

lie up卧床,病倒,隐退

lie with 和......发生性关系,(责任 义务等)在于......

a lie with a latchet说得天花乱坠的谎话

give sb. the lie指责某人说谎

live a lie过欺骗人 的 生活

nail a lie to che couunter揭穿弄虚作假(谎言)

the big lie弥天大谎