在2001年,中国正式加入WTO时,许多人对汽车产业的前景表示出诸多的担忧。 Dr.eye: In 2001, when China joins WTO formally, a lot of people's worry that the prospect of the automobile industry expresses a great deal of. 但是入世5年来,中国的汽车业却出乎了大多数人的预料,反而以迅猛的势头向着汽车大国的目标努力迈进并成为一个业界的领先者。 Dr.eye: But has entered the WTO over the past 5 years, the automobile industry of China but exceeded most people's expectation, has made great efforts to stride forward and become the leading person of a industry towards the goal of the automobile big country with the swift and violent momentum instead. 其中作为中国汽车产业领军者的广州, 经过几年的发展一跃成为国内行业第三,堪称神话般的速度。 Dr.eye: Guangzhou of the persons who among them get the army as the Chinese automobile industry, suddenly become the third in domestic trade after a few years of development, can be rated as the fabulous speed. 此外在未来几年里,广州将大力发展汽车产业,使其3年内成为广州支柱产业之一。 Dr.eye: In addition during the following several years, Guangzhou will develop the automobile industry in a more cost-effective manner, will enable becoming one of the pillar industries of Guangzhou in its 3 years. 预计到2010年,广州汽车工业总产值将达3000亿元以上,年产汽车130万辆,广州将真正成为全国重要的汽车生产基地和亚洲地区主要汽车文化发展中心之一。 Dr.eye: It is estimated by 2010, the automobile total industrial output value of Guangzhou will be up to more than 300 billion yuan, will produce 1,300,000 automobiles per year, Guangzhou will really become the national important automobile production base and one of the cultural centres of development of the main automobile of area of Asia. 由此可见,广州汽车业是中国汽车业的重要组成部分,其发展状况将会极大的影响整个汽车业的发展态势,因此本文将关注焦点集中于广州市。 Dr.eye: Therefore, the automobile industry of Guangzhou is an important component of the Chinese automobile industry, developing state of whole automobile industry of influence that its state of development will be great, so this text will pay close attention to the focus and concentrate on Guangzhou.
本文第一部分论述了目前广州汽车业的发展态势。 Dr.eye: The first part of this text has described the developing state of the automobile industry of Guangzhou at present. 当前,广州本田、广州风神、南沙汽车基地、高新区汽车产业贸易基地等汽车及其相关产业,已经在广州蓬勃发展起来。 Dr.eye: At present, such automobiles as the wind spirit of Guangzhou Honda, Guangzhou, automobile base of Nansha, trade base of automobile industry of high and new technology industrial development zone,etc. Dr.eye: and relevant industries, have already developed vigorously in Guangzhou. 广州市西部的花都区,正在建立集汽车制造、零部件生产、汽车贸易服务、汽车物流于一体的汽车城。 Dr.eye: The flower all district of the west of Guangzhou, are setting up the automobile city that is incorporating car making, spare part are produced, automobile trade service, automobile logistics into an organic whole. 广州汽车业已形成了完整的产业链,具有相当的国际竞争力。 Dr.eye: The automobile of Guangzhou has already formed the intact industry chain, has had suitable international competitiveness.
本文第二部分则分析了广州汽车业中存在着诸多问题:企业和产业规模偏小,规模竞争力不强;技术研究开发能力弱,缺少自主品牌;汽车专业技术人才短缺;产业配套和协作网络有待进一步加强;汽车消费环境仍有待改善等等。 Dr.eye: The second part of this text has analysed that a great deal of questions exist in the automobile industry of Guangzhou: The enterprise and industry are small in scale, the scale competitiveness is not strong; The development ability of technical research is weak, lack the independent brand; Professional technician's shortage of the automobile; The industry forms a complete set and cooperates the network remains to strengthen further; The automobile consumption environment still remains to improve etc.. 目前,政府已经出台了一系列的有效措施加以解决,并颁布了相关的优惠政策加以扶持。 Dr.eye: At present, the government has already issued a series of effective measures to solve, has issued relevant preferential policies to support. 随着这些问题的一一解决,各种新政策的相继出台,必然会从不同程度上为汽车行业的健康发展奠定了良好基础,使广州汽车业自省后奋发崛起。 Dr.eye: With a settlement of these problems, the issue in succession of different new policies, will inevitablely be from establishing the good foundation for the sound development of the automobile trade in varying degrees, make the automobile industry of Guangzhou rouse oneself to emerge after examining oneself.
通过前两部分对广州汽车业的分析,针对入世政策对广州汽车业的影响及入世后广州汽车业面临的问题的研究,本文对当前广州汽车业的发展前景进行预测,并提出解决其存在的问题的对策。 Dr.eye: Through first two analysis on automobile industry of Guangzhou, to enter the WTO policy impact on automobile industry of Guangzhou and Guangzhou automobile industry research of problem that face after entering the WTO, the development prospect of this text to present automobile industry of Guangzhou predicts, put forward the countermeasure of solving the problem that its exists.