系 同义词,house和home是有分别的 - e.g. (1)多数讲 Dream house 唔会讲 Dream home;(2)多数讲 Friend's home 唔会讲 friend's house;但在法文house和home,这两个字没有分别,只用一个字来表达。mind和brain在英文有别,在法文又是没有分别,只用一个字。在哪里可以找到英文的同义词呢?Roget's Thesaurus是一本著名的英文同义词词典,我不厌其烦建议大家买一部放在案头,以备不时之需。 在中国香港,我们没有太多练习英文的机会。只有多看书、多看电视。从中也可以学得不错,最重要是持之以恒,不要气馁,不要半途而废。这需要几年的功夫,而非几个月便可成功。你一旦放弃,便前功尽弃。我亲眼见过一些年青人下了几年功夫多看书和多看电视,结果也有不错成绩。
The verbal expression or an informal way to say should be "a friend's place" or "friends' place". dictionary.cambridge/define?key=60343&dict=CALD 2 [C] INFORMAL someone's home: I'm looking for a place to live. We'll have the meeting at my place. "House" represents a building or a place where people
usually one family
live in. dictionary.cambridge/define?key=38169&dict=CALD "Home" is a general term to describe a place where people
usually one family
live in. The place could be a house or a flat. dictionary.cambridge/define?key=37603&dict=CALD
参考: dictionary.cambridge/
House=屋 Home=家 朋友屋企口语习惯应该讲 friend's house
参考: me
通常会讲friends' house house=屋企 home=家
house 即是屋子
所以您应讲friends home
习惯上用friends house House 居住的地方
不论是租或已拥有. friendsHome朋友的家庭
House 是具体地指"那间屋子" Home 则是指住的地方吧