成语大全网 - 经典成语 - 翻译 哪位英语高手能帮在下翻译出优美一点的英文 拜托了 谢谢你们

翻译 哪位英语高手能帮在下翻译出优美一点的英文 拜托了 谢谢你们

At the moment we enjoy our third love anniversary,

I wanna send you this bottle of green encounter,

which labels "acquaintance of spring".

Probably I am considered as a passager across your life,

or just a leaf drifting around you,

but to me you means the fabulous lines in the pages of my heart.

I am so grateful to encounter you,

your appearence brands me with enormous happiness and joys.

Being with you is the best moment of my whole life,

and more significantly, my dear,

I wanna spend all my life to treasure you.
