成语大全网 - 经典成语 - 过敏用英语怎么说 过敏的英语翻译?

过敏用英语怎么说 过敏的英语翻译?

过敏的英语是”allergy -“,还网络中常译为” Allergies”,在《新英汉汉英词典》中,***找到89个与过敏相关的短语释义和例句。

allergy Allergies anaphylaxy ( 过敏症 )

allergy free Spit-up Snuggly soft and Hypoallergenic ( 防过敏 )

allergic hypersensitive touchy irritable ( 过敏的 )

anaphylactoid purpura Henoch-Schonlein purpura Allerge purpuras ( 过敏性紫癜 内科 )

hyperesthesia acrokinesia ( 感觉过敏 内科 内科 )

1. i broke out in hives everywhere.

2. She’s allergic to strawberries.

3. Lactose intolerant. You’re lactose intolerant?

4. Lycans are allergic to silver.

5. – No, i have a low tolerance, but thank you.

6. – Thanks, but i’m allergic.

7. – i’m having a drug reaction.

8. But i’m allergic to dairy!

9. -She’s allergic to codeine.

10. it’s like a peanut allergy, like… an emotional peanut allergy.
