成语大全网 - 经典成语 - 粗野英语怎么说


问题一:"你对他的态度是粗野的"用英文怎么翻译? your attitude to him is rude

问题二:粗鲁的用英语怎么说 rude

问题三:我无法忍受他那粗鲁的行为 用英语怎么说? I cannot stand his rude behavior.

问题四:不要很粗鲁英语怎么说 Don't be so rude .

问题五:粗鲁的英文是什么 rude,望采纳

问题六:因为我的粗鲁英语怎么说 cause my rudeness

问题七:粗俗的英语翻译 粗俗用英语怎么说 粗俗_百度翻译


[词典] coarse; vulgarity; (粗野; 庸俗) vulgar; in bad taste;


It is the uneducated vulgarity of expression at all.

双语例句 汉英大词典 中中释义

问题八:请不要对这些外国人粗鲁 用英语怎么说 Don't rude to these foreigner,piease

问题九:言语粗鲁的英文怎么说 言语粗鲁

[词典] speak rudely; play the bear;


Bryant is alleged to have used colourful language.