成语大全网 - 经典成语 - 论文摘要翻译(汉译英)活着就要承受苦难 ——探析《活着》中福贵性格的嬗变

论文摘要翻译(汉译英)活着就要承受苦难 ——探析《活着》中福贵性格的嬗变

To live is to bear suffering - ZhongFu expensive webblogs "alive" character evolution pick to "alive" is a creative process yu of landmark works. It tells the story of happy life experiences: your miserable a leave him, family leave lonely he silently under all this pain. But in front of the suffering, f your life and no despair, but choose stubbornly alive, and have an amazing willpower and indomitable spirit to relieve suffering. This article mainly from the era environment, f your own reasons and closest to the influence of blessing you the three aspects of your character to explore blessing, which could see the change of the happy life attitude and your treat some inspirations for later generations.