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When spring came,little bear,little monkey,little stag and little rabbit planted a few small peach trees



In order to let the small peach trees grow up earlier and eat the delicious peaches,they decided to look

after the peach trees in turns.

小桃树长大了,开满了粉红色的桃花。小熊站岗时,小兔顺手摘了几枝桃花。小熊装着没看见。 The little peach trees grew up and pink flowers came out.When little bear guarded them,little rabbit

picked up a few flowers smoothly,And he pretended not to see it.


When it came to little rabbit's duty,little stag saw the green leaves on the tree.He couldn't help raising his

neck and eating them fully.And the little rabbit also pretended not to see it.

小鹿站岗时,小猴看到树上结了几个小桃子,就连摘带摇把小树弄得遍体鳞伤。小鹿也装着没看见。 When little stag guarded the trees.little monkey saw several peaches,So he shook the little trees and hurt

them seriously.The little stag also pretended not to see it.



This time it came to little monkey's duty.Little bear wanted to repair his farm but he lacked of wood.So the little peach trees were attacked and lost their branches.But the little monkey pretended not to see it. 就这样,四个好朋友都碍于面子,容忍了朋友的错误行为。结果小桃树死了,它们的劳动也全白费了。 So the four good friends considered face and endured their friend's wrong doings.As a result,the little

peach trees died and their work was in vain




When spring came,little bear,little monkey,little stag and little rabbit planted a few small peach trees



In order to let the small peach trees grow up earlier and eat the delicious peaches,they decided to look

after the peach trees in turns.

小桃树长大了,开满了粉红色的桃花。小熊站岗时,小兔顺手摘了几枝桃花。小熊装着没看见。 The little peach trees grew up and pink flowers came out.When little bear guarded them,little rabbit

picked up a few flowers smoothly,And he pretended not to see it.


When it came to little rabbit's duty,little stag saw the green leaves on the tree.He couldn't help raising his

neck and eating them fully.And the little rabbit also pretended not to see it.

小鹿站岗时,小猴看到树上结了几个小桃子,就连摘带摇把小树弄得遍体鳞伤。小鹿也装着没看见。 When little stag guarded the trees.little monkey saw several peaches,So he shook the little trees and hurt

them seriously.The little stag also pretended not to see it.



This time it came to little monkey's duty.Little bear wanted to repair his farm but he lacked of wood.So the little peach trees were attacked and lost their branches.But the little monkey pretended not to see it. 就这样,四个好朋友都碍于面子,容忍了朋友的错误行为。结果小桃树死了,它们的劳动也全白费了。 So the four good friends considered face and endured their friend's wrong doings.As a result,the little

peach trees died and their work was in vain