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英语翻译 求专业的人

Speed and passion is the film series in Europe and the United States led to the car as the theme. The title to a proper extent to point out two elements of this type of film: in a variety of brand-name sports car racing on the highway and passion, experience the speed limit exceeding 200KM/H. "Speed and passion" series of films from 2001 since the birth of the first set, training a large number of accompany you play the play ran ten years of fans. The 2009 release of "speed and passion" is the 4 in the global swept the $350000000 I finished the 6 Summary: the first two a passion third ministry is mainly race show is a side story, it is on the sixth step back four five six department has made a business tablet add all the elements enriched the themes, fusion of Che, beauty, speed and hot action, let a person feel the passion.
