/ ?pe?p?(r); ˋpep?/ n
(often in compounds 常用以构成复合词) [U] substance made in thin sheets from wood pulp or rags and used for writing, printing or drawing on, or for wrapping and packing things 纸:a piece/sheet of paper 一张纸 * `writing paper 书写用纸* `tissue paper 薄棉纸 * [attrib 作定语] a paper bag, handkerchief, towel, etc 纸袋、 纸巾、 纸面巾等.
[C] newspaper 报纸: Where's today's paper? 今天的报纸在哪儿? * a daily, an evening, a Sunday paper 日报、 晚报、 星期日报.
[C, U] wallpaper 壁纸; 墙纸: a pretty striped paper for the bedroom 卧室用的精美的条纹壁纸.
papers [pl] (a) official documents, esp showing sb's identity, nationality, etc 文件(尤指身分、 国籍等证明材料): Immigration officials will ask to see your papers. 移民局的官员将要求你出示证件. (b) pieces of paper which have been written on 写有字的纸: His desk is always covered with papers. 他的办公桌上老是堆满写着字的纸.
[C] (a) set of examination questions on a particular subject 试卷(试题): The geography paper was difficult. 地理试题很难. * The French paper was set by our form teacher. 法语试卷是我们的班主任出的. (b) written answers to examination questions 试卷(答卷): She spent the evening marking examination papers. 她一晚上都在批试卷.
article or essay, esp one read to an audience of academics or specialists 文章; (尤指)论文: He read a paper at a medical conference on the results of his research. 他在医学会议上宣读了他的研究论文.
(idm 习语) on paper (a) in writing 以书面形式: Could you put a few ideas down on paper? 把你的一些想法写出来可以吗? (b) when judged from written or printed evidence; in theory 据书面材料; 在理论上; 从道理上说: It's a fine scheme on paper, but will it work in practice? 那计画不错, 不过实践上是否可行? * She looks good on paper, ie has good qualifications. 她看来资历很好. a ,paper `tiger person or thing that is less powerful or threatening than he/it seems or claims to be 纸老虎(外强中乾的人或事物). put pen to paper => pen.
> paper v
1 [Tn] put wallpaper on (the walls of a room) 用壁纸裱糊(墙壁): We're papering the bathroom. 我们正给浴室贴壁纸.
2 (idm 习语) paper over the cracks (in sth) hide a disagreement, fault or difficulty, esp quickly or imperfectly 隐瞒或掩饰分歧、 错误或困难(尤指仓促或有漏洞): Critics of government policy argue that the new measures introduced to fight crime are simply papering over the cracks. 批评政府政策的人指责反犯罪活动新措施, 认为纯粹是为掩盖过错而制定的.
3 (phr v) paper sth over (a) cover sth with wall paper 用壁纸覆盖某物: We papered over the stains on the wall. 我们贴上壁纸盖住了墙上的污斑. (b) hide (a disagreement, fault or difficulty), esp quickly or imperfectly 隐瞒或掩饰(分歧、 错误或困难)(尤指仓促或有漏洞).
papery / ?pe?p?r?; ˋpep?ri/ adj like paper in texture (质地)像纸的: wrinkled, papery skin 像皱纹纸似的皮肤.
# `paperback n [C, U] book bound in a flexible paper cover 简装书; 平装书: a cheap paperback 廉价简装书 * When is the novel coming out in paperback? 那部小说的平装本什麽时候出版? * [attrib 作定语] a paperback book, edition 平装的书、 版本. Cf 参看 hardback (hard1).
`paper-boy (fem 阴性作 `paper-girl) n boy/girl who delivers newspapers to people's houses 送报的男孩[女孩].
`paper-chase n cross-country run in which the leader drops a trail of pieces of paper for the other runners to follow 追纸游戏(领头者作越野跑, 沿途撒纸屑供他人循踪追逐).
`paper-clip n piece of bent wire or plastic used for holding sheets of paper together 回形针.
`paper-knife n knife used for cutting the pages of books, opening envelopes, etc 裁纸刀.
`paper-mill n factory where paper is made 造纸厂.
,paper `money money in the form of banknotes 纸币.
`paperweight n small heavy object placed on top of loose papers to keep them in place 镇纸.
`paperwork n [U] written work in an office, such as filling in forms, writing letters and reports, etc 文书工作: She's good at paperwork. 她善做文书工作.