In the information explosion and abundant information society, it also afraid of stories, how to seize the network consumers' attention this scarce resources, business enterprise network marketing becomes the key to success. In the target market, network marketing manager after the brunt of should be considered in what ways and means to hold the attention as target customers. Network economy is a kind of typical attention economy. Based on the computer network in the information society, the information of all kinds of people, voluminous information is no longer a scarce resource, but the relative surplus, scarce resource is the people's attention. Therefore, the current web-based new economy, its essence is attention economy. In this society, the most important resources not traditionally monetary capital, nor information itself, but attention, the attention is virtual economy hard currency.
To manage a business must manage its future. And the future is management information management. The network information age, consumer demand diversity, personalized trends unabated, whose fierce competition between the unprecedented, only those with lightning speed marketing environment information, understanding consumer demand and development trend of competition, weakness, and opponents with quickest speed input or occupy the market the enterprise can realize network marketing competitive advantage. Therefore, the network marketing plan to further perfect and make full use of the enterprise marketing information system based on the efficient use of electronic and information processing technology, to customers, competitors and other environmental factors are fast, accurate, comprehensive analysis, network marketing plan formulation for providing scientific basis.
Speed is one of the network marketing competitive edge. The magic lies in the network, due to rapid and interactive virtual world and real world exists in the speed of contrast, speed online customer satisfaction and loyalty, therefore, the effect is very obvious network marketing business mode is no longer the traditional marketing environment of speculative business model, but a highly commercial mode, the response to demand that enterprise should stand in the Angle of customer timely and listen to the customers hope, desire and demand, and promptly reply and rapid reaction, meet the demand of customers. In planning network marketing plan, must the network as the important tool and rapid response, and in coordination with the service quality based on the rapid reaction mechanism, improve the service level, can rapid response to problems and solutions to achieve rapid, enterprise and customer win-win result.