成语大全网 - 经典成语 - 英语姓名的翻译有什么约定、原则、原理?自己怎样翻译英文姓名?


Present's situation is I does translates, has met some English name, that certainly may search some quite authoritative English name the special-purpose dictionary, but, if I do not have these dictionaries? That is, I am want to ask how, in I don't have these dictionary time me to be possible to do? I take for granted guess this English name pronunciation first, because English name's translation extremely majority is with transliterates, then I then start in view of each sound definite Chinese, how is the question I should determine, for example Marry, the phonetic or musical notation is ' mri, probably is Pinyin mali, but uses the input method, discovered that has many: Mary, horsepower, Mali, Mary, Mary, Ma Li, Ma Li and so on, then which I should use? I remembered before has read some material, probably said that some standard, i.e. in English does send any sound, which characters in Chinese should use. Also, in English name also has some end tones and so on, like k, s and so on, are these must translate, I hoped that can obtain the quite general English name translation content and the material, thanks everybody.
