成语大全网 - 经典成语 - 请问有哪位知道“雨花石”的准确英文翻译?


一般用也就是Yuhua Stone,但学术上称之为Patterned Cobblestone


雨花石文化与红楼梦之关系Relation between Patterned Cobblestone Culture and the Red Chamber Dream

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东南文化 , Southeast Culture,



[给本刊投稿] 作者 周德麟; 赵启斌; 摘要 <正> 《红楼梦》作为我国的经典名著,多年来研究一直盛行不衰。民国时期,鲁迅就曾谈起读《红楼梦》的不同读法;毛泽东主席对《红楼梦》颇为喜爱,多年释读不倦。蔡元培、胡适等人则先后展开对《红楼梦》的研究,影响极大,终于在人文学科领域产生了红学这一专门的学问,终至于红学家辈出,代不乏人。前人从索隐、政治、文学、政治等角度对《红楼梦》作出了深入的研究。本文试图从雨花石文化与《红楼梦》关系上试作剖析。 更多还原

Abstract "The Red Chamber Dream" is always popular as a reputed Chinese classical book, which even results in the appearance of a specificresearch field of the liberal arts with many specialists at each time. The ancestors make a profound touch from the politic, theliterature to the psychology. However, this article tries to analyse in the respect of its relation with the "patterned cobblestone". 更多还原