Once there lived a king of great strength andwealth.Yet he was not happy.He
told his servants tofind him things to make him happy,but each cameback
saying,”Noting in the world can match thewonderful things you have already.”Then
in thatland,there lived a poor man with a patch over oneeye and a crutch to help
him walk.Although he hadlittle,he was always happy.When the king heard ofthis,he
asked the man to teach him his secret.
“I never push.” the man replied,”and I never rush. Most of all, I never
wish for too much.”Thenhe smiled and was gone.
If you would make a man happy,do not add to his possessions but subtract
from his desires.
I find it humorous sometimes that even the mostmundane occurrences can have
an impact on ourawareness.
My wife, daughter, and I moved into our home nineyears ago and we spent a
lot of time and energy inthe yard to get it looking like it does today. We
liveon a corner, higher than street level, and the entireside of the yard is
encased by a professionally builtrock wall. The front of the house though is
anotherstory because instead of a wall along the sidewalk, the rocks appear to
be just thrown up ontothe dirt as if someone were in a hurry to finish.
We did the best we could with what we had to work with and called this area
our ‘rock garden’.Whenever we had leftover flowers or plants, Denise or I would
stick them out front, just tobring some color to the area.
I still do all of my own yard work, even the dreaded weed-pulling. After
putting on my kneepads I assume the position to clear the yard of weeds, even in
the rock garden.
Last summer I had reached the end of the rock garden and found a tiny
little plant that I couldnot immediately identify, I knew I didn’t plant it and
Denise claimed that she didn’t either. Wedecided to let it continue growing
until we could figure out what it was.
Weeks passed and as I made my way back to the mystery plant, it appeared to
be a Sunflower.It was spindly looking with a tall skinny stalk and only one head
on it. I decided to baby italong and weed around it. As I pulled rocks from the
area to get to the weeds, I noticedsomething unusual. The Sunflower had not
started where I saw the stalk begin. It actually hadbegun under a big rock and
grown under and around it to reach the sun.
That’s when I realized that if a tiny little Sunflower didn’t let a big
rock stand in its way ofdeveloping, we too have the capability of doing the same
thing. Once our environment beginsto see that we believe in ourselves like that
little Sunflower, we can attain the samenourishment and nurturing as well.
First, we need to believe in ourselves knowing we have the capabilities in
achieving our desires.Like the Sunflower, it knew it had the capability to
overcome its obstacle because it trustedin the Universal Truth and had faith it
would succeed.
首先, 我们需要相信自己, 认识到我们有能力达到我们的愿望。就像向日葵那样, 它知道它有能力去克服障碍, 因为它相信普遍真理,
Stand tall like the Sunflower and be proud of who and what you are and the
environment willbegin to support you. You will find a way to go under or around
your big obstacle in order toreach your desires.