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几个英语谜语: riddles

1、 What goes up a chimney down, but won't go down a chimney up?

2、 What kind of monkey can fly?

3、 Why has no one ever spotted a leopard in Africa?

4、 Why did the chicken cross the road?

5、 Why did the fox cross the road?

6、 What goes hahaha, plop?

7、 Why do lions eat raw meat?

8 .What is the largest ant in the world?


1 An umbrella(不懂)

2 A hot air baboon.意思是一个热气球,另外baboon的意思也是狒狒(猴类的一种),A hot air baboon在英语里的意思就是热气球,hehe。其实我觉得孙悟空也有道理啊,那应该叫什么......king monkey sun?!

3 Because leopards are already born with spots.

4 To get to the other side.(最无聊的答案)

5 To get the chicken(也很无聊)

6 Someone laughing their head off

7 Because they never learn to cook.

8 elephant(大象),大象是最大的动物,而且有ant