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阅读手记|福尔摩斯:The Redheaded League

第二个故事,The Redheaded League, 红发会。也是一个在柯南里提到过的有名的案子。


“You are just in time, Watson," said Holmes. "I believe you will find this gentleman's tale most interesting. It could prove what I have told you all along -- that truth is stranger than fiction. And that the smallest of crimes are sometimes the most interesting."


To the Redheaded League:

At the request of the late Ezekiah Hopkins, of Lebanon Pennsylvania, U.S.A., employment is available to a redheaded man who is of sound body and mind, and is above the age of 21. The successful applicant will receive a salary. Please apply in person on Monday, at eleven o'clock, to Duncan Ross, at 7 Pope's Court, Fleet Street.


红头发访客,Wilson先生解释说,他自己开了一个小小的买卖二手物品的店,但赚得钱不多,仅能唯持生计。店里唯一的一位帮工,也是因为他只要求一半的薪水才能雇得起。而且他仔细地介绍了一下这位帮工,Vincent Spaulding, 因为正是这位Spaulding先生给他看了这则招聘广告。这位帮工是位不错的工人,但唯一美中不足的是花太多时间在他的兴趣爱好上——摄影。他拍很多照片,然后花几个小时呆在地下室的暗房里。

"I barely make enough to live on. I wouldn't even be able to pay my helper, except that he is willing to work for half of what I should be paying him, just so he can learn the business.

"His name is Vincent Spaulding, and he's a fine worker. My only complaint is that he spends too much time with his hobby -- photography. He takes pictures, then spends hours in his darkroom in the shop basement.


“He told me I would need to work from ten in the morning until two in the afternoon. I explained that I had a shop to run. But Spaulding told us he would be happy to look after the business for me.

"I was told that my task would be to copy the Encyclopedia Britannica. I was to start the very next day.

他接受了这份工作,便每日前去抄写百科全书。如此持续了8周,正要把A字母部分全部抄完并有望开始抄字母B部分的时候,所有这一切都忽然终止了。就在这天上午,他如往常一样前去办公室,发现门是锁着的,外面挂了一块牌子, 上面写着红发会将不再继续。他还把牌子带来给福尔摩斯过目了。

“This morning, I went to the office as usual. But the door was locked. A small sign hung on the door. You can read it yourself. " He handed Holmes the sign. It read:

The Redheaded League is no more. October 9, 1890.



Before long, Sherlock Holmes and I were standing in front of Wilson's shop. My friend walked up the quiet street, then down, looking? carefully at all the houses. He stopped in front of the shop again. With his walking stick, he tapped loudly on the sidewalk. Finally, he went to the shop door and knocked. A young, clean-shaven man answered.


"There is Mortimer's tobacco shop, a newspaper shop, then the City and Suburban Bank, a restaurant, and McFarlane's carriage shop. Most interesting."
