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I think that the most important thing is that budget one's time rationally. Everybody has 24 hours only every day, we must treasure them, utilize them rationally at the same time.

First. Choice of the order. Want thing that do and want thing that make have nothing in common with each other every day, we must choose the thing that must be done to do among the numerous affairs first, secondly choose the important thing to do, do the thing that oneself wants to do finally. Especially at work, this is particularly important.

Two. Rational arrangement. While doing some things, can do other things at the same time. Can go, sweep room while heating up water, take breakfast to can watch newspaper.

Three. Complete plan. Should arrange to do a plan of the second day in the evening before that day, and go on according to this plan. The content of the plan should be overall, rational, make overall plans.

Time is just like water in the sponge, does not crowd it, there is no water. Budget one's time rationally, just as crowding water. I wish everybody can become owner of time.