silk 丝绸:The soft smooth cloth that is made from threads produced by an insect(the silkworm)
blankets 毯子:a cover made of wool,that is put on beds to keep people warm.
produce 生产:to make or grow sth.
peoduct 产品:(想问这单词是不是拼错了,是product 吗 )something that is made in a factory or that is formed naturally.
antiques 古董:an old and valuable object,eg a piece of furniture.
popsides 冰棒、雪糕:a frozen sweet food ,a piece of flavoured ice on a stick
disaster 灾难:an event that causes a lot of harm or damage
cable 电缆:a set of wires covered with plastic,for carrying electricity or signals.
contact lenses 隐形眼镜:a small piece of plastic that fits onto your eye to help you to see better.
hot air balloons 热气球:a large bag that is filled with gas or hot air so that it can rise into and fly through the air,carrying people in a basket attached below it.
remote control 遥控器:a system for controlling sth from a distance
channel 频道:a television or radio station.Each channel broadcasts on its own frequency or wavelength.
wrap 缠绕:to tie sth such as paper or cloth around an object or a part of the body
braille 盲文:a way of printing for blind people ,using raised dots that they read by touching them with their fingers.
debate 辩论:a formal argument or discussion of a question at a public meeting or in Parliament.At the endthere may be a vote.
gesture 手势:a movement of the hand,head,that expresses sth
crops 农作物:plants that are grown on farms for food
vase 瓶子:a glass or china container used for holding things.
metal 金属:atype of solid mineral substance,eg tin,iron,gold,steel.
plastic 塑料:a light,artificial material which does not break easily and is used for making many different sorts of objects.
media 媒介:the media television,radio and newspaper used as a means of communication
riddle 谜语:atype of question that you ask people for fun that has a clever or amusing answer.
sign language 手语:a language used especially by deaf and dumb people using signs instead of spoken words.
lobby 通道:the area that is just inside a large buliding.A lobby often has a reception desk and doors,stairs,lifts,that lead to other parts of the building.
traffic 交通:the movement of ships,aeroplanes,ect.the cars,ect that are on a road
suitcase 行李箱:a flat box with a handle that you use for carrying your clothes,etc in when you are travelling
ranch 大牧场:a large farm in the US or Canada,usually where cows or horses are kept
saddle 马鞍:s seat ,usually made of leather,that you put on a horse so that you can ride it
cactus 仙人掌:atype of plant that grows in hot,dry areas,especially deserts.A cactus has a thick stem and sharp points but no leaves
bunch 一群一簇:a number of things,usually of the same type,fastened or growing together
ankle 脚踝:the part of the body where the foot joins the legs
canoe 独木舟:a light ,narrow boat for one or two people that you can move through the water using a flat piece of wood.
chilly 寒冷的:unpleasantly cold
thunder 打雷:to make the sound of thunder
lightning 闪电:a bright flash of light that appears in the sky during a thunderstorm.
cancel 取消:to decide that sth that had been planned or arranged will not happen.
entrance 入口进入: the door,gate or opening where you go into a place.
leather 皮革:the skin of animals which has been specially treated.Leather is used to make shoes,bags,coats.
designer 设计师:a person whose job is to make drawings showing how sth will be made.
jewelry 珍宝:a valuable stone(eg a diamond)or a necklace,ring.Rings,necklace,bracelets,etc that are worn as personal ornaments.
cages 笼子:a box made of bars or wire,or a space surrounded by wire or metal bars,in which a bird or animal is kept so that it cannot escape.
stove 炉灶:the top part of a cooker that is fitted with gas or electricrings.
race 比赛:a competition between people,animals,cars etc to see which is the fastest or the winner.
launch 介绍,推出:to start sth new or to show sth for the first time.
spill 洒出:(to cause a liquid)to pour out from sth by accident