成语大全网 - 经典成语 - 采访用英语怎么说 采访的英语翻译?

采访用英语怎么说 采访的英语翻译?

采访的英语有两种说法,可以翻译为 A-Nation,还网络中常译为” Interview”,在《英汉简明词典》中,***找到11个与采访相关的短语翻译和用法。

reporter interviewer Paragrapher staffer ( 采访教务老师 )

exclusive interview Interview absolute account Scope ( 独家采访 )

acquisition department ( 采访部 )

interviewer Journalist In an interview with ( 采访者 )

News Gathering Interviewing in Journalism ( 新闻采访学 )

1. The journalist was interviewing the iron Man.

2. Why aren’t you on your way downtown?

3. He wants to come by for some questions tomorrow

4. Ken, don’t worry i’m not here to do an interview

5. Did the others get interviews?

6. – Good luck with your interview.

7. Are we on for the interview?

8. – She’s being interviewed.
