主题歌:Theme song
我希望我们的车还在。:I hope our vehicle also.
在那儿!:In there!
我进去引开他们的注意力。:I go in lead away their attention.
该死的隐形眼镜,在这里,我要拿去洗洗。:Should die the contact lenses, in here, I must take away wash.
你是怎么搞的?:How do you are do?
快看!:Looked quickly!
万岁!:Long live!
谁吹泡泡谁就要挨这个酒吧里所有人的痛打!:Who blows froth who to suffer in this bar all person's beating severely!
没有哪个孩子不跟着唱。:Which child doesn't have with not to sing.
我发誓。:I pledged.
声音放大些。:Sound enlargement.
不要跟着唱。:With do not sing.
我在使劲憋着(不唱)。:I am making an effort to suppress (am not singing).
尽量努力。:As far as possible diligently.
刚才是谁唱的?:Was a moment ago who sang?
我从没去呆瓜餐厅吃过饭。:I ever have not gone to the kookaburra dining room to eat meal.
看来我们这儿有一对连体孩子。:Looks like here to have a pair of joined bodies child.
天哪!好险哪!:Oh! A narrow squeak!
看看我拿到了什么?:What had a look at me to attain?