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/ 5IdIEm; `IdIEm/ n 1 [C] phrase or sentence whose meaning is not clear from the meaning of its individual words and which must be learnt as a whole unit 习语; 成语; 惯用语, 如 give way, a change of heart, be hard put to it: The English language has many idioms. 英语有很多惯用语. 2 [U] (a) language or dialect of a people or country某民族或某国家之语言或方言: the French idiom 法语. (b) use of language that is typical of or natural to speakers of a particular language (操某语言者典型的或自然的)语言用法. (c) use of language peculiar to a period or an individual (某时期或某人特有的)语言用法: Shakespeare's idiom 莎士比亚的语言风格.


/ 9IdIE5mAtIk; 9IdIE`mAtIk/ adj (a) in accordance with the particular nature or structure of a language, dialect, etc 符合某一语言或方言等的习惯或特点的: She speaks fluent and idiomatic French. 她说得一口又流利又地道的法语. (b) containing an idiom or idioms 含有习语的: an idiomatic expression, language 固定词组、 成语多的语言.


/ -klI; klI/ adv.