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Slang is informal language and has a shorter "life-span" than other English words. Nevertheless, you will find all of these words in a good monolingual dictionary and slang is a common part of daily life to most native speakers.



You lot must think I'm stupid . 你丫肯就认为我二啊

You lot: all of you 你们

I'm skint. 俺缺钱

Skint: short of money 缺钱

I met some bloke in the pub. Bloke: man

Fancy a cuppa? 想来杯茶不? Fancy: do you want...

Cuppa: cup of tea

Skiing is a doddle. 滑雪忒容易 Doddle: easy

Lend me a quid. 借我一英镑吧 Quid: one pound

He's an ace footballer. 他是个出色的足球球员 Ace: excellent

I need the loo. 我要上洗手间 loo: toilet

She's full of beans. 他精力充沛 Full of beans: full of energy

This film is rubbish. 这电影太逊了 Rubbish: garbage=bad

I need to spend a penny. 我要上厕所 Spend a penny: go to the toilet

Ta (pronounced Tar) 谢啦 Ta: thanks

That fish is a bit dodgy, he's a dodgy person. Dodgy: suspicious 可疑的

What's on the telly? 电视在放啥呢? Telly: televison

You look trendy. 你看起来很时尚嘛 Trendy: Fashionable

Keep your hair on! - Calm down! 淡定