简介魔芋是一种生长在海拔800—2500米的热带与亚热带山区多年生草本植物。由于魔芋对生长环境有比较特殊的要求, 美洲和欧洲等地目前还没有种植成功,魔芋虽然分布在东南亚、非洲和我国南方多个省区,但从种植规模与所含营养成分上来看还是我国云南所种植的魔芋质量最好,目前日本、韩国、东南亚、欧美等国所需的魔芋制品多数都是从云南出口。而魔芋在中国虽有2000多年的栽种历史,但魔芋膳食纤维加工只是八十年代中期才开始。在日本也有1500多年的种植和食用历史,但其魔芋膳食纤维加工史已经有数十年历史了,因此魔芋胶膳食纤维在日韩新的接受程度比国内要高出许多。
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Kang Yi TM 18 plus -- Introduction -- Amorphophallus konjac dietary fiber product descriptions [800-2500 meters above sea level, is a growing mountain of tropical and subtropical perennial herbs. Konjac environment for the growth is due to special requirements, the Americas and Europe were still not growing success Although konjac in Southeast Asia, in Africa and in several provinces in southern China. But look at the growing size and content of nutrients or konjac best quality planted Yunnan, Japan, South Korea, Southeast Asia, Europe and the United States and other countries are the most konjac products exported from Yunnan. Although konjac in China and the history of 2000 years of planting, but only Amorphophallus dietary fiber processing only in the mid-1980s. Japan has 1,500 years in the cultivation and consumption history, Konjac dietary fiber processing history but history has been for several decades. So konjac gum new Dietary Fiber in South Korea to accept much higher than domestic. "Compendium of Materia Medica" According to records, more than 2,000 years ago, our ancestors will konjac to cure diseases. After research, Konjac contains 16 kinds of amino acids, 10 minerals, trace elements and rich in dietary fiber. enhance immunity, prevented colitis, colon cancer, breast cancer is very effective; Konjac low fat, low sugar and no calories. for the prevention and treatment of obesity, hypertension, diabetes crowd can be both a thought, Fitness can cure the upper foods, a variety of stomach and digestive system can also control a variety of common chronic diseases. This shows that Amorphophallus is a very modern crowd left with an appropriate quality health food products. Hong-yi [TM] product descriptions -- Amorphophallus 18 plus dietary fiber products by dozens of well-known experts in the scientific and technological achievements after 10 years of unremitting efforts. This product fills a void. The unique product selection Yunnan Amorphophallus Bulbifer as the main raw material production and processing from the application of modern bio-engineering techniques. One major advantage in that regard : I planted planted Amorphophallus Bulbifer addition to the company, bringing up soil ingredients to achieve the required local farmers planted Amorphophallus Bulbifer. All companies providing management, and for its Amorphophallus Bulbifer planted in the sowing and planting, harvest management for process monitoring. 2, extraction technology : Konjac all the company's products are produced using the most advanced international water extraction, extracted the active ingredients of high quality, complete, but no secondary pollution is not the only industry Amorphophallus sulfur pollution - natural green food. 3, portability, instant characteristics of the demand for modern fast-paced life. will become the embodiment of a new quality of life. [Effect -- the main active ingredient in the product is not made human consumption after stomach digestion, absorption of cholesterol and bile acid can be effective. and can inhibit intestinal absorption of cholesterol and bile acids. With lipid-lowering, lowering blood pressure, diet, purgation, cancer prevention and other functions. Also, because it can not be absorbed people's salivary amylase hydrolysis and absorption and, therefore, gastrointestinal, cardio - cerebral vascular diseases, hemorrhoids, diet, beauty and others have significant effects. Generally speaking the following : eight slimming effect : It has developed its active ingredient in the gastrointestinal tract can be selective absorption mechanism. to avoid fat, high-calorie fat absorption material. Slimming products as a result of the use of konjac Now Europe and the United States, particularly in developed countries such as Japan and South Korea. Amy who has been highly appreciated by the best weight loss method. It has : its abundant plant cellulose advertisers purge help active bowel function effectively stimulate the intestinal wall and to maintain intestinal comfortable, The harmful accelerate the excretion of toxins, which can prevent and reduce the incidence of food-borne disease lesions. Immediately see the results of the prevention of external hemorrhoids (In Japan, Southeast Asia "intestinal scavenger" reputation). It has a lot of soluble fibers : Kit stomach gastric motility can reduce harmful substances in the stomach, and bile, when the retention time. effective protection of gastric mucosa, cleaning stomach. It has its active ingredient : sobering up in the stomach, intestine formation of a protective layer. so will a lot of the lower body to absorb alcohol and other undesirable elements, Because of his rich and glucomannan (glucomannuronate) to promote physical components of alcohol metabolism, in drinking, After taking konjac products can protect the body from alcohol damage is capable of preventing and curing diseases : Konjac mannan inhibited by the medical profession full appraisal cholesterol, blood lipid, lowering blood glucose, angioplasty, prevention of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases such as atherosclerosis, the average age quite effective. It has anti-diabetes : the konjac plant fiber has been medically proven to increase blood insulin and lower blood glucose control, supporting the prevention and treatment of diabetes has an excellent effect. Capable of improving the human endocrine or metabolic regulation : Konjac glucomannan balance intimate with a number of physiological and metabolic function endocrine metabolism of the human body can take a long time and a marked improvement. It has konjac gel calcium : calcium in food, about 43 mg, and calcium content of ingredients can easily be absorbed into the human body. Calcium quite good. . .