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You may think that English dictionaries have been sued for many, many centuries.你可能认为英语词典的存在已有若干世纪了。In fsct,an English dicionary you use today wasn't made until the Qing Dynasty(清朝). 事实上,你今天用的任何一本词典,都是到清朝才问世的。Three men did most of the important early work on dictionaries. 三位学者为后来许多词典编纂做了大部分重要的早期工作。They spent nearly all their lives trying to collect words for their dictionaries.他们几乎终其一生为要编写的词典收集词语。For them,it was a wonderful journey.那样的工作对于他们而言是了不起的旅行。The largest dictionary in the world is Oxford English.世界上最大的词典是牛津词典。The idea for this dictionary came from an important meeting in Britain in 1857.编纂这本词典的想法发端于1857年在英国召开的一个重要会议。Twenty-two years later,Oxford University asked james Murray to be the editor(编造者)of its new dictionary.二十年以后,牛津大学请来 James Murray 担任这本新词典的编辑。