成语大全网 - 经典成语 - 鲁教版初二英语上册第七单元知识点短语和句子 急求 在线等

鲁教版初二英语上册第七单元知识点短语和句子 急求 在线等


1 住在地球上 live on the earth

2 六千万年前 over sixty million years ago

3和绵羊一样温顺 as gentle as sheep

4 比老虎还凶猛 be fiercer than tigers

5 和十头大象一样大 as big as ten elephants

6 一些……另一些 some others

7 一些……其余的 some the others

8 对……有害的= be harmful to sb

6 了解恐龙的生活 know about the lives of dinosaurs

7 恐龙留下的脚印 footprints they leave behind

8 一个著名的娱乐公园 a famous amusement park

9 被创立 be created by

10 因……而出名= be famous for

11 卡通人物 cartoon character

12 出生于美国 be born in the USA

13 卖报纸和送邮件 sell newspapers and deliver mail

14 得到一份新的工作 get a new job

15 在同样的时间 at the same time

16 一只真的老鼠 a real mouse

17变的富有和出名 become rich and famous

18 一名有名的思想家 a famous thinker

19 住在希腊 live in Greece

20 拥有尽可能少的东西 own as few things as possible

21 扔掉他的杯子 throw away his cup

22 变的更加开心 become even happier

23 参观孙逸仙先生的陵墓 visit Dr Sun Yat-sen’s Mausoleum

24 花费一百万修理屋顶 spend 1 million yuan repairing the roofs

25 纪念这个伟人 to remember this great man

26 一个亚洲的动物 an Asia animal

27 生出一个男孩 give birth to a boy

28 吃竹笋 eat bamboo shoots

29 吃九公斤的食物 eat 9 kilos of food

30 珍贵的 be rare

31 受法律保护 be protected by law

Unit 6 词汇

1 迷路 be lost=get lost=lose one’ way

2 用光,用尽 run out of=be out of=use up= finish

3 傍晚时分 towards evening

4 降落在一个未探索的星球land on an unexplored planet

5 那扇门两层高。 That door is two storeys high.

6 小心的靠近那扇门 approach the door carefully

7 和……相似 the same as=be similar to

8 带着我们轻轻地降落 bring us down gently

9 靠近一个大的悬崖 close to a great cliff

10 离开这里 get out of here

11开始摇晃 begin to shake =begin doing sth

12 一个友好的怪兽 a friendly monster

13看上去像袋鼠 look like kangaroos

14 转向某人 turn to sb

15 错误地认为 be wrong about

16 成为碎片 be in pieces

17 和平地到来 come in piece

18 发出一声吼叫 give a roar

19 使我们的血液凝固 turn our blood to ice

20杀死所有的外星人 kill all ailens

21 在黎明 at dawn

22像老鼠一样被抓住 be caught like mice

23 一个强大的磁铁 a powerful magnet

24 在笼子上方 above the cage

25 帮某人一个忙 do sb a favour

26 最后做某事的人 the last one to do sth

27从地上弹起 spring from the ground

28 一个宇航员 an astronaut

29 乘坐宇宙飞船 take a spaceship

30 告诉他的朋友他的冒险故事 tell his friends of his adventures

31 醒来 wake up

32 向窗外看 look out of the window

33 在20楼 on the twentieth floor

34 在天空中 in the sky

35 在太空 in space

36 听到一次小的爆炸 hear a small explosion

37 入睡 fall asleep

38 到达森林 reach the forest

39 沿着一条狭窄的小路 follow a narrow path between the trees

40 藏在一些灌木丛的后面 hide behind some bushes

41 保持沉默 keep silent

42 一个银色的身体 a silver body

43 被损坏 be damage

44 感觉害怕 feel terrified

45 发出一个可怕的噪音 make a terrible noise

46 编故事 make up stories

47 告诉某人真相 tell sb the turth

48 展开翅膀 spread the wings


1几乎很快入睡 fall asleep almost immediately

2从笼子里逃掉 escape from the cage

3打断我 interrupt me

4太弱而不能开门 too weak to open the door

5藏在我的袋鼠中间 hide among my kangaroos

6把……瞄准 aim ….. at =point at…

7 击中他的眼睛 hit him in his eye

8朝门跑去 escape towards the door

9 做噩梦 have a bad dream

10一条狭窄的街道 a narrow street

11被杀死 be killed

12 不要惊慌 Don’t panic

13爬进大袋鼠的口袋 climb into the giant kangaroo’s pocket

14自由 get free

15返回地球上的安全地带come back to the safety of the Earth

16寻找某人 look for sb

17拿出我的激光手电筒 take my small powerful laser torch

18 默默地移动 move silently

19 躺在他的床上 lie down on his bed

20 震动山洞 shake the cave

21 融化铁条 melt the bars

22 用手电筒去杀高克 use the torch to kill Gork

23 用你的大脑 use your brain=use your mind

24 片刻过去 moments later

25 在笼子的外面 be out of the cage

26 大声说 say loudly

27 醒来 wake up

28 按按钮 press the button

29 击中Gork 的眼睛 hit Gork in the eye

30 出了什么事? What’s wrong?

31 袭击我 attack me

32 告诉某人去做某事 tell sb to do sth

33 一个接一个地出去 go out one by one

34 死了,完蛋了 be done for=die=be finished

35 过了一会儿 a few moments later

36 逃往自由地 escape to freedom