1、even a worm will turn狗急跳墙
2、black sheep害群之马
3、kill two birds with one stone一箭双雕
4、glare like a tiger eyeing its prey虎视眈眈
5、pull a tooth from the tiger‘s mouth虎口拔牙
6、a tiger ‘s head and a snake‘s tail虎头蛇尾
7、dragons and fishes jumbled together鱼龙混杂
8、pass off fish eyes as pearls鱼目混珠
9、monsters and demons牛神蛇鬼
10、the fox borrows the tiger‘s fierceness狐假虎威
11、a pack of rogues狐朋狗党
12、evil associates狐朋狗友
13、in bits and pieces鸡零狗碎
14、a mouse can see only an inch鼠目寸光
15、a horse galloping without a stop马不停蹄
16、gain an immediate马到成功
17、the cat weeping over the dead mouse猫哭老鼠
18、a narrow winding trail羊肠小道
19、even a worm will turn狗急跳墙
20、black sheep害群之马
21、kill two birds with one stone一箭双雕
22、glare like a tiger eyeing its prey虎视眈眈
23、pull a tooth from the tiger‘s mouth虎口拔牙
24、a tiger ‘s head and a snake‘s tail虎头蛇尾
25、pass off fish eyes as pearls鱼目混珠
26、monsters and demons牛神蛇鬼
27、the fox borrows the tiger‘s fierceness狐假虎威
28、a pack of rogues狐朋狗党
29、evil associates狐朋狗友
30、in bits and pieces鸡零狗碎
狐朋狗党,读音是hú péng gǒu dǎng,泛指一些吃喝玩乐、不务正业的朋友,是个贬义词。
鱼目混珠,读音yú mù hùn zhū,汉语成语,拿鱼眼睛冒充珍珠。比喻用假的冒充真的。
狐假虎威,读音为hú jiǎ hǔ wēi,是先秦时代汉族寓言故事。假:借。狐狸借老虎之威吓退百兽。后以“狐假虎威”比喻仰仗或倚仗别人的权势来欺压、恐吓人。
虎视眈眈,拼音为hǔ shì dān dān,指像老虎要捕食那样注视着。形容贪婪地盯着,随时准备掠夺 。
一箭双雕,读音为yī jiàn shuāng diāo,指射箭技术高超,一箭射中两只雕,比喻做一件事达到两个目的。