Because the watershed surrounding domestic sewage, industrial effluents, (由于流域周围生活污水、工业废水排放,)agricultural runoff, and animal husbandry, fisheries, tourism, can cause the nitrogen, phosphorus and organic matter, nutrients numerous water bodies such as lakes, reservoirs),农业径流以及畜牧、水产、旅游的影响,可造成氮、磷、有机物等营养元素大量进入水体(如湖泊、水库), aquatic organisms in particular some characteristic algae, plankton exception propagation, decomposition of organic matter in water consumption of large amounts of dissolved oxygen, dissolved oxygen, biological barriers to anxious to death, a large number of organisms in the role of microbial oxidation releasing methane, and hydrogen sulfide, carbon dioxide, etc. make water quality deterioration in market, leading to eutrophication of water bodies, so that water ecosystems and water damage to and destruction is to speed up the waters of the aging process. 使水生生物特别是某些特征性藻类等浮游生物异常繁殖,有机物的分解消耗水中大量的溶解氧,溶解氧的降低,生物窒急而死,大量的有机体在微生物的作用下分解氧化释放出甲烷、硫化氢、二氧化碳等使水质变坏发臭,导致水体的富营养化,使水体生态系统与水体功能受到损去与破坏,加速水体老化过程。State-of-the-art pollution indicate organic pollution, eutrophication is the current Administration's major problem, although developed countries has been eliminates organic pollution, eutrophication persists, eutrophication is worldwide are facing a common problem.国内外的水污染现状都表明有机物污染、富营养化是当前水污染治理中存在的主要问题,发达国家虽然己经消除了有机物污染,但富营养化依然存在,富营养化是世界范围内所面临的***同课题。
A large number of research results show: feed ao have carbon source utilization high, nitrogen efficiency, without internal circulation, MLSs high, running adjustable.大量研究成果显示:分段进水AO工艺具有碳源利用率高、脱氮效率高、无需内循环、污泥浓度高、运行调节灵活等优势。 However, the actual running of the project in the Central Plains water temperature are constantly changing and processing from many uncertainties.但是,在工程实际运行中原水水质水温不断变化,处理效果受到诸多不稳定因素的影响 Therefore, the test looks at the long-run conditions, multilevel AO reactor handles the actual urban wastewater, various objective factors on reactor effects.因此,该试验考察了在长期运行条件下,多级AO反应器处理实际城市污水时,各种客观因素对反应器脱氮效果的影响。