成语大全网 - 成语词典 - 夏威夷有英文名Hawaii,好像还有个英文名字,好像是俩个单词组合的,大家谁知道告诉一下啊,谢谢




The Aloha State

(Official Popular Name) This official "Popular Name" was designated in 1959 by the Legislature of the State. This was adopted in the same year in which Hawaii became a state.

The Pineapple State

Hawaii has also been referred to as "The Pineapple State" because of the pineapple industry and its impact on the state's economy.

Paradise of the Pacific

Anyone who has ever visited a secluded cove on one of the Hawaiian islands will understand why Hawaii is sometimes called the "Paradise of the Pacific." The natural beauty of the islands is well known.

The Youngest State

The last state to enter the union, Hawaii is sometimes referred to as "The Youngest State."