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natural: adj, 自然的;n. nature

natural disaster, natural science, natural reserve (自然保护区)

mop : verb, 用拖把拖; 擦拭; 注意mop亦可最为名词,即拖把。

mopped, mopped

mop up: 擦拭完,擦拭掉

eat it up, drink it up, burn it up

B, mop it up.


2, 告诉你的老师这道题目有问题,原文“2, who will mop up the water up if I go home without you?” 中,mop up 已使用,所以water 后的up不应该再出现,可改为who will mop up the water if xxxxxx 或 who will mop the water up if xxxxxxx.

3, 最后选择题之前题目文字已有提示,请多阅读,思考