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This paper is a synthetic pyridine hydrochloric acid chloride aluminum acid salt ionic liquids (PyHCl - xAlCl3) HCL modification of chlorine aluminates salt ionic liquids, using infrared and ultraviolet absorption of pyridine characterized the acidic, and has been used in catalytic 2 - methyl naphthalene (2 - MN) and durene transfer alkyl dissatisfied utilization two methyl naphthalene (utilization DMN) reaction.

With chlorine aluminum acid salt and hydrogen chloride aluminum acid salt modification of ionic liquids as catalyst, inspected the ionic liquid acid, 2 - methyl naphthalene and 1 - methyl naphthalene different ratio, the modification of ionic liquids such factors HCl in 2 - MN through transfer alkylated reaction synthesis utilization, the influence of two methyl naphthalene to optimize the reaction conditions. Under the optimum reaction conditions (for 35 ℃, reaction temperature, reaction time for 2h 2 - MN and durene mole ratio of 1:1), after the modification of HCl in ionic liquids PyHCl - after AlCl3 - due to accelerate the selectively HCl in generating utilization of DMN reaction speed, reaction 2h, utilization of the selectivity is 100% DMN circumstance, 2 - MN conversion of 15.8 percent.