成语大全网 - 成语词典 - 建筑英汉词典翻译


工程测量Engineering measurement

建筑材料 Building materials

地基基础工程 Foundation project

土木工程施工技术Construction technology of civil engineering

土木工程材料Materials of construction technology

土木工程概论Summary of construction technology

土木工程CAD CAD of construction technology

运筹学Operational research

大学日语 College Japanese

专业日语 Specialized Japanese

城市减灾与防灾Decrement and precaution of city disasters

新型建筑材料New type of building materials

基础绘画 Basic drawing


海报设计Poster design

房屋建筑学Building construction research

高等数学Advanced mathematics

概率与数理统计Probability and mathematical statistics

工程项目管理 Engineering project management

安全工程施工技术Construction technology of safety engineering

工程合同管理 Engineering contract management

工程测量Engineering measurement

建筑材料 Building materials

地基基础工程 Groundwork Project

土木工程施工技术Construction technology of civil engineering

土木工程材料Materials of construction technology

土木工程概论Summary of construction technology

土木工程CAD CAD of construction technology

运筹学Operational research

大学日语 College Japanese

专业日语 Specialized Japanese

城市减灾与防灾Decrement and precaution of city disasters

新型建筑材料New type of building materials

基础绘画 Basic drawing


海报设计Poster design

房屋建筑学Building construction research

高等数学Advanced mathematics

概率与数理统计Probability and mathematical statistics

工程项目管理 Engineering project management

安全工程施工技术Construction technology of safety engineering

工程合同管理 Engineering contract management
