1. 把EN-CN库导出来(.txt或tmx)
3. 把第1步导出的文件导入即可。
Inverting Translation Memories
If you have a bilingual translation memory, you may want to use it in the opposite language direction. This is easily done using the Export and Import functions.
Note: The procedure outlined below involves the creation of a new translation memory in Translator’s Workbench and is valid for file-based translation memories only. You cannot create a server-based translation memory in Translator’s Workbench.
To invert a translation memory:
Open the translation memory you want to invert in in exclusive access mode.
Use the Export command on the File menu to export the translation memory to an external text file.
Create a new translation memory using the New command on the File menu. The language direction should be the opposite to that of the exported translation memory. You can also open an existing translation memory in which the language direction is opposite to that of the exported translation memory.
Use the Import command on the File menu to re-import the exported text file created under step 2. Translator's Workbench automatically assigns the translation units in the inverted order. After the import, you have a new translation memory with the opposite language direction.