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/ seks; s?ks/ n

(a) [U] condition of being male or female; gender 性别;

性: differences of sex 性的区别 * What sex is your dog? 你的狗是公的还是母的? * Everyone is welcome, regardless of age or sex. 欢迎大家,

无论男女老幼一律欢迎. * [attrib 作定语] sex discrimination, ie

treating sb differently because of his/her sex 性别歧视. (b) [C] either of

the two main groups (male and female) into which living things are placed according to

their functions in the process of reproduction (reproduce

4) 男性, 女性, 雄性, 雌性(指生殖功能而言的): Is this behaviour typical of

the male sex? 这种行为是雄性特有的吗? * There has always

been some conflict between the sexes. 两性之间从来就有矛盾.

[U] ~ (with sb) sexual intercourse 性交: have sex (with sb) (与某人)性交 * They

often had sex together. 他们常发生性关系. * [attrib 作定语] sex organs, ie penis, vagina, etc 性器官.

[U] activities that lead to and include sexual intercourse;

mutual physical attraction between people 性行为; 性吸引; 性感: a

film with lots of sex in it 有很多性行为镜头的电影 * During

puberty, young people become more interested in sex.

年轻人在青春期对性逐渐产生较大兴趣. * [attrib 作定语] a sex

manual, ie giving information on sexual behaviour 性知识手册 * a sex shop, ie selling pornography, devices to make sex

more enjoyable, etc 性用品商店.

(idm 习语) the weaker sex => weak.


sex v [Tn] find out the sex(1) of (a

creature) 鉴别(某生物)的性别: sexing very young chicks


-sexed (forming compound adjs

用以构成复合形容词) having the specified amount of sexual desire 有某程度的性欲的: a highly-sexed youth * over-sexed, ie too interested in

sexual matters.

sexless adj

1 lacking sexual desire, attractiveness or activity 缺乏性欲﹑ 性感或性行为的:

a dry, sexless person 冷淡﹑ 无性感的人 * a sexless relationship 无性行为的关系.

2 neither male

nor female; having neither masculine nor feminine characteristics; neuter 无性的;

无雌雄特 徵的; 中性的.

sexy adj (-ier,

-iest) (infml 口) 1 of or about

sex(2,3) (关於)性交的, 性行为的, 性吸引的: a sexy book, film, etc

关於性行为的书﹑ 影片等 * making sexy suggestions

提出性交的想法. 2 (a) causing sexual desire 引起性欲的; 性感的: You look very sexy in that dress. 你穿着那件连衣裙很性感. (b)

feeling sexual desire 有性欲的: get/feel sexy


sexily adv. sexinessn [U].

# `sex act sexual intercourse


`sex appeal sexual attractiveness 性的魅力; 性感: a

man with lots of sex appeal 极性感的男子.

`sex life person's

sexual activities 性生活: How's your sex life?


`sex-starved adj (infml 口) not having enough opportunities for sexual

intercourse 缺少性交机会的; 性饥饿的.


/ ?sek?u?l; ˋs?k?l/ adj

(a) of sex(2,3) or the sexes or the physical

attraction between them 性交的; 性行为的; 性吸引的; 两性的; 肉体吸引的: sexual

feelings, activity, desire 性吸引的感受﹑ 性活动﹑ 性欲 * Her

interest in him is primarily sexual. 她喜欢他主要是肉体上的. (b) of

sex(1) or gender 性别的; 性的; 男性或女性的; 雄性或雌性的: sexual

differences, characteristics, etc 性的区别﹑ 特徵等.

[attrib 作定语] concerned with the reproduction of offspring

生殖的; 有性生殖的: sexual organs, ie penis, vagina, etc

生殖器官 * sexual reproduction in plants


> sexuality / ?sek?ul?t?; ?s?kˋ?l?t?/ n

[U] sexual nature or characteristics 性别的特性或特徵; 性吸引; 性感;


sexually / -?l?;

-?l?/ adv: sexually active 在性方面活跃 * a sexually

transmitted disease 性传染病.

# sexual `intercourse (also

intercourse) insertion of a man's penis into a woman's vagina, usu

leading to the ejaculation of semen; copulation 性交; 交媾.


sex·y /?seksi/ adj comparative sexier

superlative sexiest


exciting or sexually attractive

 sexy underwear

 Don't you think he's sexy?

informal sexy ideas, products etc are exciting, attractive, and


 is one of the sexiest companies in Seattle

 a sexy investment



brest; br?st/


[C] either of the two parts of a woman's body that produce

milk (女子的)乳房: a baby at the breast 哺乳的婴孩 *

cancer of the breast 乳(腺)癌 * The breasts swell during pregnancy. 怀孕期乳房发胀.

[C] (a) (rhet 修辞)

upper front part of the human body; chest (人体的)胸部, 胸膛: clasp/hold sb to one's breast 把某人拥抱在怀里. (b) part of

a garment covering this (衣服的)胸部: a soldier with medals

pinned to the breast of his coat 胸前别着许多奖章的士兵.

[C, U] part of an animal corresponding to the human breast,

eaten as food (动物的)胸脯(作食物用者): chicken breasts 鸡胸脯

* breast of lamb 羔羊胸脯.

(dated 旧) source of feelings;

heart 心情; 思绪: a troubled breast 心烦意乱.

(idm 习语) beat one's breast => beat1.

make a clean breast of sth => clean1.


breast v [Tn]

1 (a)

touch (sth) with the breast(2a) 以胸部触及(某物): The runner

breasted the tape, ie to win a race. 赛跑者以胸部触线(赛跑获胜). (b) face

and move forward against (sth) 挺身冲向(某事物): breasting the

waves 破浪前进.

2 reach the top of (sth) 抵达(某事物)的顶端: breast a hill/rise 抵达山[岗]的顶端.


`breastbone (also sternum) n thin

flat vertical bone in the chest between the ribs 胸骨. =>illus at skeleton


`breast-feed v (pt, pp `breast-fed) [Tn] feed (a baby) with milk

from the breast 用乳房的奶喂(婴儿): Were her children breast-fed or

bottle-fed? 她的孩子喂的是人奶还是牛奶?

,breast-`high adj, adv high as the breast

齐胸高(的): The wheat was/stood breast-high.


`breastplate n

piece of armour covering the breast 护胸甲.

,breast `pocket

pocket on the breast of a jacket (上衣)胸前的口袋.


n [sing] swimming stroke,



t?est; tst/


large strong box for storing or shipping things in 大箱子:

a `tea chest 茶叶箱 * a

`medicine chest 药品箱 * a `tool chest


upper front part of the body from the neck to the stomach

胸部: a hairy chest 多毛的胸部 * What size are you round the chest? 你的胸围是多少? * [attrib 作定语]

`chest pains 胸部疼痛 * a `chest

cold, ie one that affects the lungs 重感冒. =>illus at human


(idm 习语) ,get sth off one's `chest (infml 口) say sth that one has wanted to say for a long

time 说出积存已久的话: You're obviously worried about something; why

not get it off your chest? 你显然有心事, 何不一吐为快? hold/keep one's cards

close to one's chest => card1.


-chested (forming compound adjs 用以构成复合形容词)

having the specified type of chest 有某种胸部的: ,broad-`chested * ,bare-`chested * She's

,flat-`chested, ie She has very small breasts.


chesty adj (Brit infml 口) tending to suffer from or showing the

symptoms of bronchial disease 易患支气管疾病的; 有支气管疾患症状的: She often

gets chesty in wet weather. 在潮湿天气, 她经常犯支气管炎. * a

chesty cough 患支气管炎引起的咳嗽. chestiness n


# ,chest of `drawers (US

also bureau) piece of furniture with drawers for storing

clothes in (有抽屉的)衣橱. =>illus at App 1 见附录1之插图, page xvi.


/ ?buz?m; ˋb?z?m/ n

[C] person's chest, esp a woman's breasts (人的)胸部; (尤指女子的)乳房:

hold sb to one's bosom 把某人搂在自己的怀里 * She has a large bosom. 她的乳房很大.

[C] part of a dress covering the bosom (衣服的)胸部.

[sing] the ~ of sth loving care and protection of sth

对某事物的关怀和保护: live in the bosom of one's family

在家庭的关怀中生活 * welcomed into the bosom of the

Church 欢迎投入教会的怀抱.

> bosomy adj

(infml 口) (of a woman) having large

breasts (指女子)乳房大的.

# bosom `friend very close friend 知心朋友; 知己;
